Update 16 01 2023
Campaigning > Cyclewight Latest Update
Dear Members,

Happy New Year,
How can we make it happen? A new watch word (phrase) for the year.
Some points to catch up on.
Please find attached the list of barriers that we are going to suggest to the Council that they should remove. Please do have a look and see if you could add to the list. We are sure that this will not happen overnight but it is a start. A relatively small cost of removal for a gain allows far more easy access.
You will see attached the latest minutes of the committee meeting. It has become clear that if we are to see improvements on the National Cycle Network routes, rather than just substandard repairs, we are going to have to find ways to obtain funding. Ideas are most welcome but we hope to have a meeting with IWC in the next month or so to determine how can we make it happen.
For those of you who have been using the NCN paths, when they are not flooded, you will have noticed that the entrances to the routes have been cut back. This has been done by Tigg who has taken it upon himself to smarten them up. As you can see from the before and after pictures he has done a brilliant job. There can be an interesting discussion over whether Island Roads should be doing this as part of their contract but it does show what one determined individual can do. (Tigg is qualified to chop and lop) We have asked IWC if the paintwork on the gates and fences can be spruced up and they are enquiring to see if that is part of the contract. (How can we make it happen?)

We have received from the Mountbatten Hospice an email about a fundraising bike ride to London to Paris this summer. More details can be found here. It would make a bit of a change from Cowes to Newport.
The application to Planning for repair work to the Military Road at Compton has been advertised as mentioned in the last briefing. We have sent a comment to say that a means of access should be provided to cyclists and walkers during the closure. Keep an eye out for this later in the year. The decision should be in May,
We are progressing with our plans for the celebration of CycleWight's 30th anniversary and 20th anniversary Cowes to Sandown path. (see minutes) If you as an individual or a group or business would be interested in joining us please do send an email. 29th April is our preferred choice so we can have a weekend of cycling fun as the Randonnée is the next day.
Do you have any cycling related images we could use at the top of the web site? Please send them to us via our email cyclewight@gmail.com