Update 18 11 2022
Campaigning > Cyclewight Latest Update
Dear Member,
A final message before the AGM which takes place next Friday 25th November 7.30 at Carisbrooke Village Hall. It would be wonderful to see as many of you in person as possible. Here is the Zoom Code for those who wish to access the meeting online. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83712011998?pwd=V0Q2ZE1WWForUHAvN0o3aDJvNk9XUT09. Meeting ID: 837 1201 1998. Passcode: 435516
There will be various presentations about cycling on the Island as well as an opportunity to talk about the future direction of our work. There is of course the raffle as well a cup of tea and biscuits.
There are a lot of path closures at the moment because of the winter cut back programme. Below is a summary of them. As ever these are only indications of the work. On the busy commuter routes paths will be open at the beginning and the end of the working day.

If you remember we did ask you to support Cycling Uk who asked people to write to their MP to highlight the need to maintain the Active Travel budget. Here. Thanks to those of you who have done so already. There is an example of the reply attached. Please take a few minutes to write something..The more people who write the stronger the message. Bob Seely has bought up the Island Green Link in the House of Commons which amongst other things is seeking financial support for the Ryde to Freshwater cycle route.
The minutes of the last committee meeting can be read HERE.
We have been asked to identify small projects that could improve walking or cycling. The total cost for each proposal would be a maximum 10K. A dropped kerb somewhere, a repair to a path or a removal of an obstruction. Let us know. As budgets are being drawn up for 2023/24 please do tell us of barriers on paths you would like to see removed. We need to make a submission in December.
Finally we are always looking for people to be more active in their support of the group. One way is to join the committee which Claire Franklin did in 2021. Here are a few of her thoughts on the last year.
"I was an early adopter of ebikes after medical needs made riding an ‘ordinary’ bike impossible. The next step was to find some safe routes and this led me to the CycleWight website. Range anxiety was a real issue when batteries only offered support for up to 20 miles. Most ebikes are very heavy and not easy to ride without power. I noticed the website listed places that were happy to provide charging facilities. I then discovered the list was out of date so asked CycleWight if they would like me to update this list. They agreed and so I embarked on a series of cycling excursions which resulted in the current list on the website.
In the process I became aware of how important it is to have a lobby group on the IOW specifically for cyclists and how much had been achieved by CycleWight. So I decided to apply to become a member of the CycleWight managing committee and I have now been a member for almost a year. During this time I have been involved in CycleWight’s publicity about the new Highway Code and, more recently, CycleWight supported me in lobbying our local parish council to work together with the adjoining parish councils to develop a Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP). I am delighted to say the draft LCWIP for East Wight has just been published and I hope the final version will be ready soon.
The main barrier to cycling is the perception of danger. To encourage more people to cycle we need more safe cycling routes identified through an LCWIP for the whole of the IOW."
See you next week.